My Resume
James (Jimmy) Eaves
Nashville, TN 37221 | (615) 556-0887 |
email - jimmyeaves@yahoo.com
Website - Of course you're here, but it's www.jimmyeaves.com
Technical Expertise
Languages: Tools
C# - 15 years ASP.Net MVC – 3 years
JavaScript - 15 years AS 400 – 10 years
VB Script - 10 years SQL Server – 5 years
Type Script - 2 years RAZOR – 3 years
Angular - 1-year Bootstrap – 3 years
Salesforce - 6 months ASP.Net Core 1 year
API Azure - 6 months
Professional Experience
Acceptance Insurance July 2005 – November 2020
During this time most of my work was in ASP.Net, C#/.Net, and HTML/JavaScript/CSS with AS 400 on the backend.
Recently developed an application to merge policy holders from Salesforce to our AS 400.
I was asked to learn VUE, so I wrote a VUE application to allow me to search my growing CD collection to make sure I did not order a CD that I already had.
Developed an Angular 2 application for claims personal to search policy holders and return in a table format from the AS 400. This angular application used ASP.NET Core, TypeScript, CSS, Bootstrapping, HTML, JSON and JavaScript.
I developed a daily email that was delivered to management to show how many policies that were sold the day before and from each state. This email used a lot of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
I developed a C# application that took a daily download from a 3rd party application, Corvel, and listed policy holders that needed additional medical coverage.
I was part of the team when our website was upgraded. The website was written in C# within ASP.Net Core MVC. The redesigned website generated millions for the company’s bottom line.
I designed an API to work with our company website to take credit card payments and process payment to the credit card payment app.
Currently published an ASP.Net Core MVC application to Azure.
Contracting December 2001 – July 2005
During this time, I held various contracting jobs, mostly with the state of Tennessee health department. During this time I designed one of the first websites to track West Nile, this application used Visual Studio, ASP, HTML, and JavaScript. I also produced and edited several local commercials using Adobe Premiere.
Deloitte & Touche July 1998 – November 2001
Started as entry level programmer without any knowledge of Lotus Scripts, within six months I was promoted to next level of developer.
Projects I worked on included Global Insight, which used mostly LotusScript and Global Incompass, which used Visual Studio, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and XML. I also worked on multimedia projects using Adobe Premiere.
Data Cash Register October 1988 – July 1998
Traveled all over the country installing point-of-sale systems (POS) in restaurants and grocery stores.
In 1994, I was named Employee of the Year as voted on from owners, management and fellow employees.
Furthering my education
And because IS/IT never stops advancing, I have been furthering my education by
Just finished achieving certifications for completing Object Oriented Programming Part 1 and Part 2 from www.iamtimcorey.com.
I have also completed several VUE courses on www.pluralsight.com
Continuing my education and experience with ASP.NET Core by working through Murach’s book, ASP.NET Core MVC.
I am currently designing RAZOR pages to calculate interest payment. I am also using Bootstrap to make the web page responsive for multiple platforms.